Thursday 18 August 2011

Do I Need Help?

Comet, Curry's, PC World. To some extent, you can forgive them. Thomas Cook? No. Next? Not a chance. B&Q - just a little. What am i talking about? - the staff who work there.

Not the security staff or the people on the checkouts - the hawkers. The greasy-haired plebotrons who pounce on you like a fucking cougar the second you set foot on their premises. You see - part of being a bloke is the acting out of the hunter role. Bringing back the bacon, seeking what you need, completing the mission. So why the fuck is this always spoilt by a shop-assistant uttering those immortal words "Do you need any help at all?"

I often say to them - "Not at the moment, but if i DO need anything, i'll know where to find you".  At times though, the knowing where to find them bit is all too close. Usually about 10 feet away. Not close enough that they are actually ignoring your request for solitude and offering you the assistance you've already politely rejected, but close enough to let you know that they are there - observing, listening, smirking, sometimes you suspect with a hidden erotic pleasure, knowing that the very second you dare fucking TOUCH that microwave oven door, it gives them the full-on permission to come sauntering over, mister fucking know-it-all, ready to rattle off every specification, how long it takes to defrost 400g of coarsely-minced turkey, the wattage output, and of course, the ever-so-precious extended warranty details.

You can be walking down the fridge isle - and up they pop... "Is it anything in particular you were looking for Sir?".

Yes - a set of wooden coat-hangers you irritating fuckwit, but due to my ongoing battle with dementia, i've mistakenly found myself in the white-goods section of a Comet superstore. I want a fucking fridge you dickhead, but I am paying for it, I am using it, so I'LL FUCKING CHOOSE IT...... is that okay? Pretty please?

Likewise in men's clothes shops. They usually send a girl over when upstairs in the men's department. I don't know why, but my guess is they probably think men are more comfortable with a youngish lass assisting them as opposed to a metrosexual he-she type bloke slaggered in hair wax and sporting sculptured bumfluff all over his face like an identity parade of vulvas. Why is it young males in their early 20's want to look more and more like girls these days? Anyway i digress.

The clothes shop - "Need any help love?". Yes, i'm trying to find some straight-legged jeans but i need them to be quite relaxed around the crotch area as i've got a permanently hard cock with an unfortunate kink in it and i don't like people staring. That usually gets them summoning the manager and out of your face for a few moments.

The best one though, which i saved in my debut blogesque rant until last, is the apologetic checkout girl, after you've queued and queued for ages. "I'm sorry about your wait sir". I love turning this around. "My weight?.....There's nothing wrong with my weight, and you're not exactly a stick insect yourself are you?"

"No - i mean WAIT - you've been waiting a while Sir, that's all i meant"

"Good fucking job really isn't it - otherwise i might have been tempted to raid a fucking VENDING MACHINE somewhere to help satisfy my lust for chocolate - yes - yes, isn't that what you are implying, bitch?"

Do i need any help?

Probably far too much.

No material to be used without consent of the author.

As if you'd want to.

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